December Meeting-WWII Remembrance

12/13/2017 @ 11:30 – 13:30
Old Spaghetti Factory
715 SW Bancroft St.

Come honor WWII veterans.

Don Bourgeois-Speaker at USNA Alumni Luncheon, 13 Dec.2017

Topic-The Battle of Midway “The Domino Effect on History”

Don is a past successful attorney in the Portland area, having practiced law in insurance litigation matters. He is also the past Assistant Attorney General of the Island of Guam.

Included in his educational background is a degree in history (U of Iowa) and his love of the subject brings his talents and focus to research the events that shaped World War II, especially those missions and battles of the U S Navy in the Pacific.

Don has made many trips to WW II battle sites in the South Pacific, including Midway, Iwo Jima, Tinian, Saipan, Truk and many other locations. He has actively sought out and interviewed the ‘players’ from these battles including former pilots, sailors, marines, leaders and enlisted alike (both US and Japanese). His extensive studies and research have enabled him to form several very informative lectures and papers which help shed new light on the world-changing events and battles from WW II.

Don has three grown children engaged in several professions in the North West region.

For our December luncheon meeting (Dec.13 at 1130, The Old Spaghetti Factory, Portland) Don brings to the lectern an interesting, engaging, and well-researched talk about the events leading up to The Battle of Midway (4 June, 1942) and the interesting twists and turns during that battle that ultimately assured victory in WW II for US/Allied forces over the Empire of Japan.

You will be interested in hearing how a few moments and just plain ‘Luck’ snatched victory from the possible, (and probable) jaws of defeat at Midway Atoll in early June, 1942.

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