- This month’s lunch meeting on 13 December will be our annual Pearl Harbor/WWII/Greatest Generation commemoration meeting. We already know that there will be at least 3 WWII veterans, but please be sure to invite any additional WWII veterans you know. Our program will be a presentation about the Battle of Midway by Don Bourgeois. His bio is included with the newsletter/meeting announcement.
- The semi-annual Council meeting will be at Doug Bomarito’s office at 1000 on Saturday 17 February 2018. You do not need to be a member of the Council to attend the meeting, but please let either Doug Bomarito or me know if you are not a member and plan to attend. In this connection, we need someone who would be willing to be the chapter secretary. Pete Crystal served well past the end of his term, but he would really like to be relieved. Also, my term as president will be coming to an end, and Mike Carmichael, my VP, will take over. If you are interested in running (probably unopposed!) for Vice President/President-elect, please come to the meeting.
- Our February meeting will be an evening Valentine related meeting. Out regular scheduled meeting would be the 14th, but since that is Valentine Day, we anticipate having a problem reserving the room that evening. Accordingly, the meeting will be the evening of the 7th. Cocktails will start at 1830 with the meal commencing at 1900.
- Of course, before all of the above we have the Army game on 9 December. See you at Big Al’s at noon on the 9th.
Semper Fi! Beat Army!